Future Focus – A Tool for Transforming Local Congregations

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We are incredibly excited to launch “Future Focus”, a free downloadable tool which congregations can use to do a self-evaluation and strategic missional re-focus.

This is from the foreword:
It is no exaggeration to say that right now you are holding a very powerful tool in your hands. One is tempted to use words like “dynamite”, “nuclear” and “fire”, but these are more often seen as destructive rather than constructive. Maybe the correct words are “dynamic”, “transformational” and “igniting”! It would be true, however, to say that the results of not using this amazing tool, would be tragic, if not disastrous.

As a Mission and Discipleship Committee, we are acutely aware of the challenges that changing times and contexts present to local congregations. Many congregations find themselves at a critical juncture where they must either adapt or face irrelevance.

Rather than viewing change negatively, we firmly believe that change presents opportunities. Opportunities for vibrant engagement, meaningful community, and faithful alignment with God’s purpose for His Church.

This booklet, titled “Future Focus,” embodies some of the best principles and processes for transforming congregations, breaking through stagnation, and propelling them to higher levels of engagement and missionality.

Our committee’s dream was to place a reliable and practical tool in the hands of our congregations. This dream has come to fruition with the introduction of “Future Focus.”

Now, we hope that ministers, sessions, and congregations will embark on a courageous, prayerful, risky, and exciting journey outlined in this booklet. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of themselves, the needs of their community, and the call of God.

We would like to acknowledge a few individuals for their contributions: Firstly, the Church of Scotland, who created this material and generously granted us permission to use and adapt it. Melanie Cook, Stewart Gordon, Theo Groeneveld, and Wayne van Heerden provided valuable contextualization. George Marchinkowski discovered the material, brought it to our attention, and with the considerable and talented assistance of Sascha Marchinkowski, handled the editing and desktop publishing to deliver this beautiful and powerful tool you now hold in your hands.

It is often said that the “local church is the hope of the world.” Our fervent hope is that this booklet will empower congregations to realize their incredible potential.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Download it HERE.

Download (PDF, 13.07MB)



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