2.1 Church Development Evangelists

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This form of ministry was developed in about 1994 and fell under the Church Development and Planning Committee which is now absorbed in the work of the Mission and Discipleship Committee. We pay annual grants to CDE’s and have participated in training.

This area of our ministry is an exciting one and the committee will be examining this in much more detail in the light of the current discussion on models of ministry.

For now, please take note of the current Manual Requirements below as well as the CDE Grant under our Invest heading.


Ch 16 – Section 9 – Church Development Evangelists
16.131 A Presbytery may recognise the planting of a new church or the developing of an existing church with a potential for significant growth as a Church Development Project. The role of the Church Development Evangelist (CDE) is to plant or develop such a church or churches. (In this context the word “church” is synonymous with “Congregation”.)

16.132 Where such a Church Development Project is established or recognised, General Assembly’s Church Development and Planning Committee may recognise an applicant as a CDE, once it has satisfied itself of his/her
suitability. A Presbytery may appoint a CDE only after the Church Development and Planning Committee has recognised the applicant and notified the Presbytery accordingly.

16.133 A CDE is required to be an Elder and Lay Preacher in the Order of Lay Ministries.

16.134 A person wishing to become a CDE obtains the relevant application form from the Church Development and Planning Committee and submits it to that Committee. The Committee then arranges an interview.

16.135 The Church Development and Planning Committee determines what studies or further studies each applicant needs to pursue in the area of church planting and evangelism.

16.136 Having recognised a CDE for a particular project, the Presbytery appoints him/her for a maximum of 3 years. Thereafter it reviews the appointment annually, if the Congregation requires further development. A CDE falls under the care and discipline of the Presbytery in which he/she serves. (See para 4.16.)

16.137 Any Minister within the Church eligible to accept a Call may apply to the Church Development and Planning Committee to become a CDE.

16.138 Provided that the CDE fulfils the requirements of the Ministry Committee,
(a) the Presbytery may authorise a CDE in his/her capacity as an Elder and Lay Preacher in the Order of Lay Ministries to administer the Sacraments in a specified area for a specified time, while his/her appointment to a particular project lasts, and/or
(b) provided further that the requirements of the Marriage Act can be fulfilled, a CDE may apply to become a Marriage Officer for the term of his/her appointment to a particular project.

16.139 CDEs are required to
(a) attend conferences that the Church Development and Planning Committee of General Assembly arranges; and
(b) complete whatever studies, whether formal or informal, that the Committee prescribes in each case.

16.140 Presbytery sets up a Church Development Forum in which the Presbytery’s Church Development Convener provides ongoing training and guidance. CDEs are required to attend this.

16.141 If a Presbytery disciplines a CDE, it informs the Church Development and Planning Committee of this and supplies the Committee with copies of all relevant documents.

16.142 Once the Presbytery is satisfied that the Congregation has been developed to the point of being able to call a full-time minister, it withdraws its recognition of the Congregation as a Church Development Project and recognises the Congregation as a vacant charge.

16.143 A CDE functions only in such a Church Development Project and does not remain a CDE when the terms of the project end.

16.144 The CDE project is not designed to be a stepping stone to the ordained ministry of the Word and the Sacraments. Any CDE wishing to follow the route to ordained ministry applies through the normal channels of
the Ministry Committee of General Assembly and its selection process.