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Our Vision and Mission Stuff

(This vision was updated in 2017/02)

Our Committee is tasked with assisting our members, congregations and presbyteries to fulfil the Denomination’s Mission Statement in the areas of Mission and Discipleship. We see it like this:

Inspiring, Empowering and Mobilising the UPCSA to become more Missional.
Holistically assisting Presbyteries in Planting, Developing and Maintaining congregations within the UPCSA.
Providing opportunities and resources for our members to grow in faith and service.

To achieve this we see our work in five main areas:

    To promote and encourage a mindset around Mission, Discipleship and Church Growth.
    We will do this through Church Growth Forums, Conferences, Sharing Pertinent Theological Information and face-to-face contact with Presbyteries.
    • Firstly, we are very excited about the Order of Lay Ministries which celebrates, blesses, equips and encourages our members to respond to God’s call in various kinds of ministry. This includes the Lay Preachers, Pastoral Visitors, Youth Workers and other ministries in the life of the church.
    • Secondly, we are also excited about Mission: Proclaiming the Kingdom and growing the Church.
      There are three ways in which we are working toward this:

    • Finally, in our Discipleship Drive we are committed to sourcing, promoting and providing opportunities and resources to assist our members to grow in faith and service.
    We would love to place great resources into the hands of our congregations and members. We make resources available on our website, we’ll explore a resource library, we will assist financially in sending people on courses and will develop materials that will assist members and presbyteries to grow and learn together.
    We offer financial assistance to congregations for church planting, buildings and ministry. We hope to phase our grants that are simply “maintenance” and be more strategic, proactive and holistic about church growth and missional congregations. We also deal with minimum stipends and travel allowances.
    We would like to stimulate members, congregations and presbyteries to respond to God’s call to Mission (either in our circles of influence (Evangelism), in our community (Social Outreach)  or beyond our borders (Foreign Mission)