Terms of Reference

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The Mission and Discipleship Committee aims to promote and facilitate work in two of the UPCSA’s three mission priorities namely:
• Bearing witness to the saving love of Jesus Christ
• Building vital, reforming congregations for worship, ministry and discipleship

The vision of the Committee is as follows:

Inspiring and Mobilising the UPCSA to become more Missional (Within the Denominational Context)

Holistically assisting Presbyteries in Planting, Developing and Maintaining congregations within the UPCSA (In the Presbytery Context)

Providing opportunities and resources for our members to grow in faith and service. (Reaching our Membership)

To this end the committee works diligently in five areas:

    To promote and encourage a mindset around Mission, Discipleship and Church Growth. This is done through our Going for Growth Campaign, Conferences, Sharing Pertinent Theological Information and face-to-face contact with Presbyteries and Congregations.

    Providing practical support and guidelines to mobilise and unleash people and congregations in missional service. Some of our particular projects are: Church Development Evangelists, the Order of Lay Ministries and Discipleship.

    To Provide resources on our website that will assist congregations in the areas of discipleship, leadership and the practical aspects of employing youth workers, etc. Some bursaries are also provided for people to go on courses to develop skills and ignite passion for becoming missional church.

    Financial assistance is offered to congregations for church planting, buildings and ministry. Grants are not simply for “maintenance” but aim to serve to bring about strategic, proactive and holistic church growth and missional congregations.

    Working to stimulate members, congregations and presbyteries to respond to God’s call to Mission (either in our circles of influence (Evangelism), in our community (Social Outreach) or beyond our borders (Foreign Mission)